Getting Older. Five Mostly Positive Reflections.

By Erica and Karen

  1. We are getting older. We learn more each year, which perhaps makes us smarter, but the force of gravity seems to increase each year, too. Is that a new law of science?

  2. Age has not changed us. We’re still who we always were. We wish everyone else knew that.

  3. We do not want to be, or look, younger. We do want to live in the same world as younger people. We think they want us to be there, too.

  4. We are pleased to have reached an idyllic stage where we can appear as we wish and do what we wish—within limits—because we don’t care that much what other people think about us. Quite liberating.

  5. In the time of COVID, and daily mass shootings, and other televised deaths, we are grateful to be getting older.


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