The Third Quarter. Make It Your Best. Until The Fourth.

By Erica and Karen

As Lustre readers know, we don’t like most of the words associated with the accumulation of life. At a time when you are reaching your prime you are referred to as old or—in some cases, as pre-old, followed the minute you hit 75 by late stage elderly. Yikes. This nomenclature seems so outdated when applied to a generation living with the benefits of the third demographic dividend.

So we were excited when one of our friends, who has a way with words, came up with a brilliant way to define our post-career lives, or our sixties and seventies, and perhaps eighties—the third quarter.

What does the third quarter signify?

  • For one, that there will be a fourth. You do not in fact have one foot in the grave.

  • For another, that you have two behind you. You are indeed headed toward the prime of your life, old enough to know all kinds of things, and wise enough to know what to do with all that knowledge.

  • For sure, that you are not old in the way that people used to be before the third demographic dividend.

Does it matter how people describe you? We think it does. You may be strong enough to rise above the deadening implication that you should isolate yourself somewhere so you can rock in your chair and commune with nature, but you will not have the same opportunities that you would have if people thought you were still entitled to be part of regular society—and nowhere near the opportunities you will have when they realize you actually are a superstar, given your combination of experience and exuberance.

So please join the campaign to change the language around age, especially for women. We are very lucky to be living our third quarter—or to have that stage ahead of us. Let’s make sure everyone knows how much we have to offer, so that our third quarter will be spirited.

And then let’s think about what to make of the fourth quarter!


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