The (NY) Times Are Changing!

By Erica and Karen

You know something important is going on when two women over the age of 80 are featured as their liveliest, sexiest clearly-not-done selves in the Style section of Sunday’s New York Times. Granted, neither is retired from their careers. One is a well-known author, Sophy Burnham (82) , and the other is Rita Moreno (87), a national treasure that keeps on giving. And, let’s not forget that the front page of that Section is a large picture of a blond woman who sells sex fantasies to online subscribers. But still, progress!

Burnham’s “At What Age Is Love Enthralling? 82”, is a good reminder to use our hard earned skills to beat back our own tendencies to buy into outdated notions of what age looks like. We know we’re still lively and engaged and vibrant and, yes, even sexy, albeit in a different way. Let’s embrace that. And, if we’re like Burnham (and Jane Fonda as Grace) who still attract the admiration of younger men, all the more power to us!

Rita Moreno, too, is as sexy as ever. How much do we love that she and Norman Learn (98) injected some sexuality into her grandmother character on the revival of “One Day at a Time.” She couldn’t have said it better: “Getting old doesn’t mean you lose all that good stuff. My ovaries may not make babies, but I’m not done for—by a long shot.”

Exclamation point.


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