Yes: An Attitude

 By Karen and Erica

Another part of our transformation involves the word "Yes." As lawyers, we learned early on that clients wanted us to help them find a way to “yes”. Sometimes, of course, “no” is the only right  answer. But it's not the source of a lot of repeat business and it really is only the last resort when nothing else can work.

In our non-work lives, however, the situation was often reversed. No, we couldn't possibly commit to theatre tickets two months in advance. No, we can't meet you for lunch.  No, we can't leave work that early. And even no, we just need to collapse this weekend. Actually, that's how we expressed our freedom--the ability to say "no."

Now, though, we are learning to say yes to just about everything. Yes, we can go to that lecture by the former Chairman of the Met...a month away. Yes, of course we will commit to lunch in three weeks to meet a woman who was the President of La Prairie.  Yes, we would be happy to meet your friend....who turns out to have a great idea that has led us to a whole new venture. Yes, I will take your number and actually call to continue our conversation. A whole new kind of freedom. We like it a lot better.

Yes is an excellent word. One never knows where it will lead.



Playing The Woman Card


Interior Design: Indulging a Passion